Thursday, January 12, 2017

Digital Blog Post #A

The first concept I want to focus on is technology-based learning environment. What caught my attention with this concept is that it opens a door to many new opportunities and possibilities for students to learn outside of the classroom setting. Students today are so deeply involved in technology, that it has become a part of their daily lives. As educators, we must find ways to help them continue learning through the technology that they love. According to the textbook, in a technology-based learning environment teachers can post notes, discussion questions, extra readings, and assignments that students can access and work on the site from home (Maloy et al., 2013). I believe this encourages students to do the required schoolwork from home while staying in contact with the teacher as well as the class. It makes the learning experience interesting. The article, Using Technology to Create Student-Centered LearningEnvironment, provides more information on the importance of a technology-based learning environment.

The second concept that interested me was TPACK also known as Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge. “TPACK refers to how teachers bring together three different forms of knowledge to produce exciting learning experiences for students” (Maloy et al., 2013). TPACK consist of three forms of knowledge which is content knowledge, pedagogical knowledge, and technological knowledge. To be successful all three of these components need to be combined. Teachers must be knowledgeable about this concept because it is important for students to learn effectively and not just focus on one component.  This is very important because I believe that to teach a student effectively, you must know and implement different learning styles. Many times, it is not enough to just focus on content and pedagogical knowledge, technological knowledge is very necessary in today’s educational system. 

The third concept that caught my attention was on digital identity. Digital identity refers to your technology talents, your knowledge instructionally and professionally with computers and other technologies (Maloy et al., 2013). I believe that as advance as technology is today, teachers need to build their digital identities and begin to understand who they are as educators. Having a digital identity will help teachers expand their knowledge of technology and become accomplished in their abilities as teachers. They will continue to learn every day what technology has to offer and become more confident. 

In conclusion, there is so much for us learn and accomplish to become a 21st century teacher. We can see how technology has become so advanced and therefore, as future educators, we need to take advantage of this. Using the technology we know and incorporating it into our classrooms, will help the student learning process to be interesting and exciting. We need to be aware and familiar of the new technologies and transform 
learning to a whole new level. 

Maloy, R., O'Loughlin, R., Edwards, S., & Woolf, B. (2013). Transforming Learning with New Technologies. 2nd Edition. Boston, MA: Pearson Education Inc.

Saxena, S. (2013, November 06). Using Technology to Create Student-Centered Learning Environment. Retrieved January 11, 2017, from

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